Plant decoy

I overheard an interesting conversation this afternoon…

Our seven and five year old boys were looking through a Christmas catalog, (which actually doesn’t qualify as a catalog, I don’t know what happened to the ones we used to get when I was a kid, the one my boys had was no more than 20 pages), anyway I heard the five year old say;

’Garrett we HAVE to show them plants to mom!’

Garrett: ‘I don’t want PLANTS for Christmas!’

Evan: ‘NO! Not for us! If we show them to mom, she will HAVE to go to the store and get them, and while she is there she will get something for us!’

The caps lock words are no exaggeration, I should probably make them bold and italic also.

These two love emphasis on words.

It was an eye opener this little exchange.

I am not sure if I think they are geniuses or little cons…