Keepin It Real

I was feeling pretty amazing this morning

I was up early and getting things done

I even had time to run get pet food before the kids woke up

I was ready to tackle all the lessons and homework and learning with them when they started coming down the stairs

The first one to appear was our 14 year old girl

I greeted her with a ‘Good morning sunshine!’

And she just looked at me funny and said:

‘Why is there a tag on the front of your shirt?’

I looked down and sure enough there was a tag

Then she grinned and started laughing

’You're dress is on backwards and inside out!’

It made her day

If Monday’s are typically rough for you, Bur you can manage to properly put your clothes on…go ahead and give yourself a big pat on the back

And think of me next time you are making sure your own tag is in the back