week three of 2020

We finally got some snow this week and school was cancelled for a day.

It was awesome.

When the school called we put the phone on speaker and held our breath while we listened to the automated recording that announced a two hour late start.

And when they called a second time we did the same.

But this time they announced school closure.

Then the kids shrieked and ran to tell any who hadn’t been listening and it was game on.

They had blast.

Fighting over snow clothes and turns driving the four wheeler (until it got a flat tire)

Judging each other’s scoops of cocoa (until we ran out of milk).

Crying in frustration over snow pants turned inside out and stuck on boots.

Getting in and out of snow clothes every half hour.

Going in and out of the house every ten minutes.

And leaving the doors open.

They begged the sun to go away and not melt our precious and fragile couple inches of wet soggy snow.

And asked me every 15 minutes to check the weather app to see if we are going to get more snow.

They helped each other build snow forts and puzzles.

And worked together as a team to make macaroni for lunch. (with some minor disagreements and loud communication.)

’We used all the milk for cocoa, can we use coconut milk instead?’

At your own risk. I’d just add more butter.

About dinner time the hype began to wear off.

The snow clothes were all soaked through.

The coca was gone.

And reminders of school the next day started being thrown around.

Panic about homework set in about bedtime.

They hoped for the snow storm of the century and checked the weather app some more.

Maybe next year.


We are all out of cups.