know it all

There is a story I drew in comic form of a little girl having a conversation with her dad, that I just love. It was shared by a subscriber and will be in the first book.

It goes like this; the dad says ‘So you know everything now huh?’ And she confidently says ‘ Yep!’ And he says ‘Well I’m 38 and I still don’t know everything…’ And she smartly says ‘Well I know everything that I know!’

Well that comic came to mind recently as I was taking the Boater Exam to get my boating license.

You never know when you might need one.

So the class is broken up into chapters with a quiz at the end of each one.

And they are packed full of information.

I thought a life jacket was a life jacket was a life jacket.


I thought a fire extinguisher puts out all fires


There are types and classes of jackets, fires, and extinguishers.

There are very specific rules and regulations for everything that floats on the water and the people in it.

I took very careful notes throughout the videos.

I confidently took the quiz on the first chapter.

I smartly answered every question without a doubt in my mind.

Then I turned it in and my score was a 90%.

I was puzzled.

I knew I knew what I knew.

So I rewatched the videos, went over the notes, and retook the test.

You get two chances.

There were two questions that I thought I may have answered wrong.

So I chose different answers this time.

It is multiple choice.

Then I enthusiastically hit submit at the end of the quiz and waited for my perfect score.

And it showed me a 90% again.

And I officially don’t know what I know.

And I’ll pass the rest of the exams and I’ll have a boating license without ever having driven a boat.

Life’s weird like that.