doe a deer a loaf of bread

Today’s adorable comic story shared by a subscriber, was about a little boy confusing the words doe and dough

His mom asked him to help look out for deer while they were driving at dusk in the countryside

It is no big deal if you hit a doe, you can take it home and make bread!

Ahhh if I had only known that when I hit a doe

Those buggers come out of nowhere

Last fall one darted out of a driveway in a 50 mile an hour zone directly in my path and slam as I did on the brakes, I still hit it so hard broadside

A Jeep going the other way stopped to check on us, I was talking to my husband on the phone, not knowing what to do

The last time I hit a deer I was a new teenage driver and had a car full of friends and we were headed to the mall

One of my really brave friends pulled it off the road by the hooves

The car bumper was smashed but it was still running fine so we continued on to town to use the pay phone at the gas station to call home

This was pre cell phone era

A police officer happened to be at the gas station so we told him what happened

He asked my friend who had pulled the deer off the road if she checked for a pulse

She said something about it being quite dead and he asked

’Did you try CPR?’

We were super stunned and wondering if we were going to get in trouble when he said he was only kidding


Back to present time

The young man driving the Jeep and I were talking about what to do, he said he would take it home (it was quite dead) and do what hunter people do and make food out of it

I was all for that and was getting ready to help him load it for transport when another car pulled up

This guy put on a reflective vest and set up flares and started taking pictures of us and our vehicles and asking questions and called the police

I guess the law is you can’t take road kill for meat

Unless of course authorities rule that you can

Well the boy hung around to wait and see if the cop would let him have the fresh meat and the good samaritan stayed to make sure he followed all the rules

And I figured my job there was done so I went on home

I sincerely hope the boy got the meat

Of all the crimes a young man could commit these days, I would think taking home a dead doe to use for meat wouldn’t be one of them.