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The two little boys had an interesting tale for me today

They spent the majority of the day cruising back and forth from the shop to their ‘fort’ in the ‘woods’

Fort can really mean a number of types of shelters

A burrow dig into a pile of leaves

A hole cut into a blackberry bush

Tree limbs piled into walls

Boards nailed to tree limbs

At the end of the day they came into the house with a big story for me

“Mom we were just walkin on the trails by our fort and a tree just FELL and landed on neighbor Ed’s fence!’

They looked at me real ernest

Too ernest to be honest

I said ‘Um boys, trees don’t just fall down. they have to have some help. Like a windstorm, a mudslide, some lightning, or a hatchet, or saw…’


‘Did you maybe help it with a hatchet or a saw?’

‘Yeah but we real careful lifted it off Ed’s fence and put it on our side’

‘That’s good, but I still have to tell dad you were cutting down tress without asking’

And the older one replied

'What can we eat?’

Moving on real fast

The ‘tree’ was tiny and the fence is barbed wire thankfully

No major damage but a good reminder to hide the hatchets in a new place

And maybe take a walk back there and see what they’re up to more often