do you have emails worth waking up for?

I did a little research this morning out of curiosity

I was looking at my website analytics, trying to figure out how all those numbers work and what they mean

And one of the statistics recorded in the analytics page is how many of the emails I send are opened

And the number given was 72%

Seventy-two percent of the subscribers to Chattersticks emails open them and read them

So then I had to ask Google what the average was for email opened in general

The average is 32% overall

We more than double the average

And half of those emails that were opened, were opened within 30 minutes of me sending them out

Some were opened immediately

They automatically send at 5:00 am

That is five in the morning

Granted some people live in other time zones, so it coud be 6 or 7 in the morning

And people are opening them that early to read the newest stories of all the darling and funny little people

That’s amazing

But not that surprising to me

Because I love hearing and drawing and sharing the stories

And people love seeing them in comic form

People love stories

Do you get emails to our inbox that you are excited to open at 5AM?

If not, what are you waiting for?