go team

Having this outlet of drawing the funny little characters our lives has been extra nice during this lockdown/stay home/social distancing/quarantine phase

You have given us so many stories to enjoy and given me something healthy to focus on in between the feedings and teaching at this zoo/circus/farm/school life we are living right now

Every story makes my day

Every single one is my favorite

And some I don’t even share with the public because it might be an inside story or something only that family would understand, but I still draw it for you

Regardless I read each new one and get excited about drawing it

I always want it to be perfect

I always want you to feel good about the way I portray your story

I want you to be able to see your kid in the stick figure that I create for you

Even though I am not a professional artist and I have never seen most of the kids in the stories, not even in pictures

I love when you give me extra details like freckles or curls so if possible I can add them

And I want you to know that if I share your story and you think ‘Mmmm she kinda got it wrong’

You can let me know

It is easy to fix most things

Because technology is magical like that

Sometimes I don’t quite get the essence of the story and you have to explain it a little better of give me some background or details that personalize it a little more

And sometimes you can’t see the story through the eyes of someone who is drawing it

And when you see the finished comic you realize it’s not really how you meant it

Just let me know!

I want your magnet to bring you joy every time you see it

And I want you to be excited to get the book and see your comic story in there

Portrayed how you intended, or as it actually happened

And sometimes we have to improvise because I am not a professional artist and I have limits to what I can draw, and we can reach an understanding about how to tell that story in stick figure form so you love it and others understand it

It can be challenging to fit a lengthy story into three frames

But I think we’ve done a pretty awesome job of it so far

You and I, we make a good team

Thank you for taking the time to share your stories

Keep them coming