how is it only Tuesday

There are a few things that are different with kids being home during the day instead of at school

It hasn’t been difficult

We are lucky we do not have to try to find child care like many other parents

We are lucky to have acreage and we can get outside

I noticed there are a lot more boo-boos during the day with al the kids here

More tears and tantrums

More shoes at every entrance all day

More noise

More dirty dishes, we are running the dishwasher twice a day now

And going through way more food

I am used to buying ten dozen eggs a week

Plus getting four eggs a day from our hens

So we bought ten dozen last Thursday night

We ate the last of them today

That’s two dozen eggs a day

Not counting the ones from our hens

We are going to start clucking

But we are so thankful eggs are cheap

And essential, so they are not shut down

And nutritious for the bellys

So kids can grow strong

And with all the kids home, there are so many questions

I actually heard myself say today:


Other than that its been a great week

Don’t tell me it’s only Tuesday, I don’t need to hear that

And they are taking hand washing seriously, not because I have told them 15 times a day their entire lives, but because Google will sing them the hand washing song if they ask

It’s really a good song

My six year old came to me in the kitchen today and said':

‘Mom my hands are LITERALLY clean!’

And proudly held them up to show me

They were shriveled up as prunes, practically translucent and he quite possibly about washed the nails completely off

Thanks Google for teaching our kids in 20 seconds what we have been trying to hammer into their heads for years