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staying home

How was your Sunday staying home?

It was different.

The kids didn’t really know what to do with themselves

Well actually I didn’t either

‘Normally’ we would be prepared to leave the house early for Sunday school, plan to invite company to come visit, maybe work in a nap in the afternoon

Some of the kids were excited to have church at home

Which I thought was terribly sweet

And some felt a little silly about it

Which I also thought was terribly sweet

The six year old couldn’t understand why he had to get church pants on if we weren’t going anywhere

"‘It’s still Sunday, you need to put on your Sunday best’

“These ARE my BEST pants!’

‘No, we mean your pants that LOOK the best’

‘You don’t get to wear those just because you LIKE them best- they are very dirty!’

A sibling tried to help us out:

‘Garrett those have a hole in the knee!’

‘Nuh uh, that’s a scratch’

He eventually came to the table dressed in his button up and some clean hole-free jeans, not his church pants, but we compromised

Church started a little later at our house than it does on a regular Sunday

But everyone was there

They all acted very age appropriate

The teenage boys had to be reminded to remove hats

The six year old wanted to pick all the songs to sing, but he did end up letting the girls pick too

The girls drew on paper throughout the morning prayer and Laestadius

Just like in church

The bigger kids whispered if they needed to talk to me or each other

Just like in church

And the younger boys moved around alot and talked too loud

Just like in church

They each got a baggy of candy to eat while we discussed what was read

They left wrappers askew and had to be reminded to pick up

Just like in church

I was surprised at the thoughts of the older kids when we asked questions

And learned a little from them

It was nice

But we missed our dear friends and family we would normally see

And the Word of God we are so used to hearing

And taking a little for granted

Five more weeks feels like a very long time

We know it’s a day at a time

And we’ll be taken care of

But still