so it begins

We made it through Day 2 of the six week covid-19 school cancellation and social distancing.

But not without getting out in the evening with a friend.

We had big plans for today…I had told the kids it was going to be a school work day and had the day all scheduled on paper.

I was heavy in the middle of fixing breakfast and talking about what we were going to do next when my phone dinged that the fifteen year old had an orthodontist appointment in 30 minutes.

He was still sound asleep.

And the window cleaner that I had scheduled weeks ago- before the world went all topsy turvy- showed up at that moment also.

I had pretty much forgotten about him.

It was a bit frantic.

I was prepared to give homework to my kids, not at all prepared for a stranger to come through the house.

We went ahead of him, moving things out of the way of the windows, cleaning off sills, kicking kids out of bed, hiding our messes, etc

And then we kind of didn’t know what to do with ourselves.

It felt weird to carry on when there was a stranger hovering here and there in the house.

We did our best.

I think I was first to get stir crazy.

He got there before 9 am and still wasn’t done by one o’clock.

And that was a long time for us all to be on our best behavior

So I made everyone load up into the van to go for ice cream.

We worked out some differences in the 15 minute ride to town.

They ate their ice cream in the van while I got a few snacks and drinks, thinking we’d go to the park.

Then I got a reply text that a friend had some baby bunnies for us…yay!

We’d been waiting for this.

So we stopped at home, waited briefly for the window washer to be done and paid him and headed to get bunnies.

And then back home to get bunnies settled in the hut.

And I was pretty much done with driving so we skipped the park.

When they got bored I played a tutorial of how to paint watercolor flowers and they all gathered around with paint supplies and made piles of fridge decor.

It was a day well spent even if it didn’t go how I planned.

The windows are insanely clean.

The van is insanely filthy.

And I hope I am not forgetting anything important about tomorrow.