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one day at a time

I just got a beautiful sticker from a dear friend that says ‘One day at a time’

Simple words

A great reminder

And just what I needed to hear

Sometimes I get so frustrated when my plans don’t go how I planned them

When a simple task I think should take an hour

Turns into a weeklong trial and error learning process

Sometimes I love learning, and sometimes I am all done learning and just want to practice what I’ve learned

I want to use it and create things and share them

And life says ‘Nah, there’s still more to learn’

It feels like I’m learning everything in reverse

I studied all up on self publishing

Before learning that I needed to learn how to create the book first

Then I learned how to create the book before learning that I needed to learn how to create

the content for the book

During that process I learned that I needed to learn some organizational skills and tools for

the content

Then I learned that I needed to learn how to draw some things

Then I learned that I needed to have some branding design for the content

Then I had to learn about the legal side of what I do

But today I got o put all what I’ve learned together and started over on the book

From scratch

Square one

And I’m thrilled

I have everything I need to get the job done

Now I just get to do it

I know for sure there will be more bumps in the road

There always are

And I will have to learn more

But it’s doable

I am amazed how much I can do now

That I didn’t think I could do before

I got this far one day at a time

So obvious

But so mind blowing

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and Tuesday Kid Quote