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quarantine activities for kids

  1. Put a hooded sweatshirt on the dog and spend an hour laughing hysterically at everything he does because everything a dog does in a hooded sweatshirt is hilarious

  2. Tease your sister

  3. Sit in the yard and pull grass

  4. Make a huge pile of the grass and bury the dog and then take videos of him emerging from his grass bed

  5. Then take turns burying each other with the grass

  6. Tease your sister

  7. Play a thousand rounds of Around the world

  8. Pick up sticks, literally, from the yard and earn a pack of Now and Laters from your dad

  9. Make face prints on the windows

  10. Hide pieces of meat in the yard and see which dog finds it first

  11. Avoid your mom because if she senses boredom she will find you a job

  12. See how many of the jobs your mom assigns you can be done while seated in the wheelchair you bought off Craigslist for $20 (to practice wheelies in)

  13. Tease your sister

  14. Claim to be hungry and raid the pantry every half hour

  15. Go through as many art and craft supplies as humanly possible

  16. Invent reasons to be on an electronic

  17. Get denied by electronic headquarters

  18. Bag and plead to electronic headquarters to no avail

  19. Tease your sister

  20. Build a play barn out of scrap wood (I always thought scrapwood was one word, but the computer is underlining it in red)

  21. Read the last of your library books over and over (cuz who knows when they’ll open again)

  22. Ride your bike

  23. Push it up the driveway when the chain falls off

  24. Put your little brother’s chain back on 10x in a day

  25. Organize a game of kickball

  26. Get so mad because someone misplaced the ball pumper upper and you really need it

  27. Ask mom to order a new one on Amazon, and add ten more items to the list while you have her attention

  28. ‘Accidentally’ land a frisbee on the porch roof so someone will have to go up to get it

  29. Toss the cat up there too to make it worth the trip

  30. Scare the beejeepers outta your mom by dropping from the gutter right in front of her and laugh hysterically because that is even funnier than a dog in a hooded sweatshirt

    Quarantine activities for moms:

    1. Make food

    2. Clean it up

    3. Repeat