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One of the recent comics I sent in the newsletter was a little boy being taught by his dad about lying

He gives a little explanation and then asks the toddler ‘Do you know what lyin’ is?

And of course the boy excitedly says ‘Yes!’

And then follows up with ‘Do you know what tigers are?’

It makes me laugh every time I read it and see him sitting on the couch between his mom and dad taking it all so seriously and then he replies and you are reminded that this is a tiny little boy whose mind works quite differently than ours!

Just another reason kids are the best thing on earth.

This particular comic is one of the 140 that of the first comics I drew that are going to be included in the first book

The long awaited and asked about compilation of the stories of the kids in our lives

Some are shared by readers and some are of my own kids

The contributors will be acknowledged

And when you buy a copy, your kids will see themselves in the story you shared and they will most likely think that’s pretty cool

I am so excited for you all to get this book in your hands and have it on your coffee table for a pick me up now and then

It has been a long process full of trial and error and learning and deciding and changing

But it is so close I can taste it

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel

And as soon as the first book is in print, there will be another right behind it

Because this is a never ending series

The stories are timeless and endless

You are going to enjoy them so much!!