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a face full of water to wake you up

Wednesday’s favorite moment happened in the kitchen, like a lot of favorite moments

The youngest was on the island counter

With his filthy jeans and dirt crusted feet

This boy figured out how to climb onto any surface by about nine months old

And we’ve never been able to break him of it

No matter how many times we give him the memo about no kids on counter tops

He will still be there every time I turn around

This time his oldest sister was smooshing his cheeks and saying to him

‘Why do you have to go and get big Evan? You should have stayed a baby’

I said I was glad he is getting so big and strong because he helps me and takes care of me

She said ‘Yeah Ev you can take care of mom until she dies’

Evan looked at me very seriously and said

‘Mom if you die, I will splash water in your face and make you alive again’

Kinda funny but mostly just adorable

Just that sweet fierce love of a boy for his mom