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End of week one

Today wraps up our first week with school closures for covid-19

Our attempts at ‘school’ without assignments from the teachers mostly went by the wayside in lieu of beautiful weather and the promise of plenty of rain next week

There were a few times kids practiced on ixl or did Everyday Math App for practicing math facts

It felt like there was so much more time

I wasn’t spending any time waking kids and packing lunches and helping with homework so the hours seemed endless

And we had two bored teenage boys

They cleaned gutters, mowed lawn, pruned apple trees, planted blueberry trees, readied the garden for planting and probably some things I’m forgetting, plus went to work with Shane some

The kids played basketball, tetherball, rode bikes and scooters, had root beer floats and s’mores

Played with the new baby bunnies and chicks

Ran through the sprinkler

And slept in til ten

It has been summer break at the end of winter

It has felt so needed

I hope I can feel the same way next week when we get down to completing assignments and learning new things

I hope I can enjoy ‘teaching’ the kids

It’s nice they have taken all the pressure off and cancelled state testing

I am counting on it being fairly easy

I only have to work with one at a time

Although I know I can count on it being crazy at times

And I know I may need to get more ‘me’ time than usual

I am so excited to see what next week has to bring and teach me

It’s amazing how we are actually so prepared for this sort of thing, as a world population

It’s not difficult to isolate ourselves

We still have everything we need and we can still connect with people in an instant

Not being able to go to church is the hardest part to accept

But maybe having ‘church’ at home with our kids is just what we need too