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kids questions

Maybe I should change the name to ‘Daily Dose’

The idea of Homeschool has been my dream for a long time.

I have considered it next to impossible though.

It has always seemed like a far away dream and I have never really thought about the details of how I would do it.

AND here we are with this great opportunity for a trial run.

How can I teach my kids, grades 1 through 10, something over this six week period of no public school?

And while processing what is happening in our world?

So far we are winging it

Yesterday was watercolor flower painting

Today I signed up for a month of

Two of the kids have taken advantage of it so far today and done an hour of Math, it was hard for them to not wander onto other sites at first so they needed lots of redirection

As I would expect

I ordered some learning games on Amazon

And some printer ink so we can print pages

And I told them they have to come up with five questions today about something they want to learn about.

Anything to keep their minds growing.

The first question was ‘How old is Donald Trump’

When I said I wanted better questions, one of them said ‘My Sunday school teacher said there is no such thing as a wrong question!’

Well ok, but I expect better questions than that

They better questions they came up with so far are:

Why does the anchor have the shape it has?

How many lines on the centimeter side of a ruler?

Who invented the tetherball?

Simple questions that we all learned from, I can’t wait to hear more.

Other than that we are just enjoying the time off.

Waking kids up and getting them out the door and on the bus has always been rather difficult for me, so I have been basking in the silence of the mornings while they sleep until 9 or 10.

On my walk this morning I noticed something.

Usually as we get to the end of the driveway and closer to the road, I call the dogs to me (they are not on leashes)

The road is always very busy.

Today it was not.

I stood at the mailbox for a full five minutes and never heard or saw one car.

But you know what I did hear?

Birds singing and chirping.

It was lovely.

And the air smelled like Spring.

And the kids are safe and sound at home.

I have no worries.

Even though my brain wants to freak out a little…

I don’t want to ‘borrow trouble’ as my mom would say

We are so lucky to have so many ways to communicate and connect

We are so lucky we have a government and military in place that takes care of us

And health care workers going above and beyond

Our teachers are lucky to get this bonus time with their families.

There are endless options for learning and educating and growing

And from my little corner of the world I want to give you something of value

Encouragement maybe, a laugh maybe, a smile maybe, connection maybe

Ideas maybe

What do you have that you can share with us?

You have words, stories, and ideas too…

And I am so lucky that I can continue my hobby of writing and creating comic strips of the stories you share

They connect us all a little bit

And bring joy

I want to continue to share and spread that joy

No matter what through this time