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Why Do I Do This Hobby??

Sometimes when I am on putting comics and stories out for you and I get stuck in some technical difficulty with software or apps, or my internet goes down, or the Ipad crashes, or I lose all my work to cyberspace, or some other thing gets in the way of getting what I need done, or the process is overwhelming or I have to start over or make major changes, or I just look around my life and wonder if creating comics is really necessary, I have to ask myself why I do this.

Is it worth it? Is this how I want to spend the time I set aside for myself?

And the answer is absolutely.

Why? Because I enjoy the fun part of the process so much.

And even with the difficulties I learn a little something every time.

And the more I learn the easier it gets and the easier it gets the more I learn.

Every time anyone shares a new story with me, it makes my day, I get excited about drawing it and sharing it with the rest of you.

I love that people trust me to create a drawing of their story.

I love sharing stories of the kids in my own life.

I love the reactions other people have when I share them.

And even if I never shared them it would still be enjoyable.

But joy and laughter are so much better when they’re shared.

Parenting can sometimes leave me feeling grumpy and discouraged, and to find some humor in it really helps me change my perspective.

Seeing life from a child’s point of view is very refreshing.

Yes sometimes they also say the things we’d rather they didn’t, but even then it makes for a good story.

The stories are so relatable, parents can see their own kids in the stories.

I love this hobby so much because it is therapeutic.

The comics make my kids laugh too, and they get to see how I see them.

The comics make me remember what it was like to be a kid.

They remind me of my priorities.

Kids keep it real.

They keep it human.

They keep it innocent.

And I think we could all use a little more of all that.